Our Squads
The competitive pathway at Carlile Swimming Team is built on the philosophy of our founders, Forbes and Ursula Carlile.
"Our objective is not to produce a champion but to provide an atmosphere where champions are inevitable. However, swimming is a means to an end... to build self confidence, self-discipline and integrity and courage for life"
To allow the coaches to successfully create to the atmosphere of Forbes and Ursula's philosophy, the criteria for progression on the competitive pathway at Carlile embodies their statement.
1. Desire to improve,
2. Self Motivation,
3. Engagement.
Consistency - regularity and routine,
Frequency - meeting squad expections,
Communication - with all coaching staff.
of Attitude
of Attendance
of Performance
Each individual squad is outlined below, these standards allow for swimmers to develop at a pace that will help them to become competitive at the highest levels of competition possible for their age.
Otters Squad
Age Range: 6-9 yrs
Aim: Develop racing skills and technique while introducing swimmers to club and district level competitions.
Penguins Squad
Age Range: 9-11yrs
Aim: An introduction to squad based training in the Competitive program
Rays Squad
Age Range: 10-12 yrs
Aim: Prepare and qualify for a range of events in multiple strokes and distances at JNR State Championships, while developing training attitudes and habits for the Piranhas squad.
Piranhas Squad
Age Range: 11-13 yrs
Aim: Prepare and qualify swimmers for their first National Age Championships.
Crocs Squad
Age Range: 13-17
Aim: Equip swimmers with the skills to qualify for National Age Finals and Junior International Competition.
Senior Squad
Age: Finished High School
Aim: Podium finish at Senior International level competitions.
Not what you’re looking for?
Another option is Teen Squad. The Teen Squad is a squad within the Carlile Swim Schools that allows for swimmers to train with other swimmers of a similar age with no commitment requirements. You can enquire about this HERE via the swim school website.